Kaarsilla Real Estate bought land at the Sõpruse Bridge, where commercial buildings will be built in years to come.

The car dealership CityMotors currently operates at the Karlova end of the Sõpruse bridge, but the properties at Jõe 9 and 11 are now owned as commercial land by Kaarsilla Real Estate. This means that in years to come new commercial buildings can be built there.

According to the detailed plan adopted in Tartu in 2010, two-storey buildings up to 11 metres high can be built on the property of a car dealership selling Renault and Dacia cars at Jõe 9 and next to it, in the current parking lot at Jõe 11.

The total area of the two plots is almost 6000 square metres, of which 3578 square metres can be built on. Now that Kaarsilla Kinnisvara has acquired these commercial sites, the company can start building within these boundaries…

Read more: https://tartu.postimees.ee/8213545/kaarsilla-kinnisvara-ostis-sopruse-silla-juurde-kinnistud-kuhu-kerkivad-aastate-parast-arihooned
