Gallery ⟩ The opening of Raadi Selver attracted a huge crowd, with the first customer buying three bananas
At noon on Thursday, a new Selver opened its doors near the Terminal petrol station on Raadi. Crowds were already thronging in front of the store before it opened, and it was difficult to find a parking space.
The first purchase was made by Arvo Rehk, a resident of Tartu parish, who bought three bananas. “I’m a small eater, they’ll do for now, I’ve got this boss who’s a bigger specialist when it comes to buying,” said Arvo Rehk, gesturing towards his wife Helgi, who was standing in the checkout queue.
“I’m an old shopkeeper and if a new shop opens somewhere, I’ll go and have a look, we pensioners have time,” said Helgi Rehk, Arvo’s wife, who worked for decades as head of the industrial goods department at Tartu Passage.
He bought salmon fillets from the new Selver, which were cheaper than usual for the opening, at €9.99 per kilo. Her husband and wife praised the range of goods and the fact that they had been informed of the opening of the new store. “The notice came in the mail, so we were able to get information to come here,” added Arvo Rehk.
Read more: 9f%a9-september-raadil-doors-open-selver-sai-near-stone/