Conservatism is the key to success for a real estate developer loyal to Tartu

For more than a quarter of a century, real estate developer Kaarsilla Kinnisvara has remained loyal to Tartu. Despite the economic challenges and difficult times in the construction sector, the company continues work on major development projects.

Made Vares, CEO of Kaarsilla Kinnisvara, says that while Tartu is small and competition is tough, there are even fewer sweet commercial plots available in Tallinn.

Made Vares, Kaarsilla Kinnisvara is not exactly a new company. But its largest development projects have only taken off in the last decade. Why is that?
Indeed, we have been operating for 25 years. We have prior experience with retail buildings, but you are right that we have been focusing more on office and warehouse buildings in the last ten years, not so much on retail premises….

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